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Please kindly note that we do not offer any discount on Yu Kurosaki, Katsushige Anryu, Takeshi Saji, Hideo Kitaoka, Takamura, Shigeki Tanaka or Makoto Kurosaki knives

About Us

About Us 

Company Name: Sekaie Inc.
Office: 201 Serotore1 Hamasamihon-machi Komatsu, Ishikawa 923-0997 Japan
Telephone: +81  9013928053
Home Page:

CEO: Atsuhiro Nakamura, (Hiro)                                        is dedicated and proud to promote the traditional and high spec handmade Japanese kitchen knives to worldwide. Design, Blade, Sharpness, various types for various purpose are inherited for over 600 years, and craftsmen put more effort in creating knives to meet high demand we have today.


Connecting to Wa (‘Wa’: – Japan/Japanese)

Japan has many traditions and many of them are still inherited in wide area, of which it is not exaggeration to say that Japan is one of the most countries having traditions in the world.  However, today, in some respect, such as foods and technology have been westernized, furthermore, to be more westernized, in many area like technology, medical, clothing, foods, housing are researched and developed to match with western style.

 In this environment, stimulated and loved Japanese culture and tradition by people in the world is Wa Bocho ( (Wa) = Japanese, ‘(Hocho/Bocho) = Knife), yes, Japanese Knives. Japanese Knives were manufactured by Japanese people when there were no computers, Internet or machinery and inherited for generations after generations. And there is a reason why this tradition is still wanted and has high demand. Nowadays, everything has been mechanized, yet, no one can manufacture better Knives than Japanese Knives. Style, sharpness, beauty, and size which were created by Japanese craftsman a couple of hundred years ago are distinguished and craftsman’s soul is in each knife. 

And what more, this is well known and understood by people in the world. With high speed Internet, mobile device and social media, people are closely connected today, and Wa (‘Wa’=Connect) shall be broaden even faster. We would like to broaden ‘Connecting to Wa thru Japanese Knife to the people, who appreciated and love Japanese Knives, and we deeply hope that craftsman’s Wa shall get bigger and inherited for the generations. We are proud in sparing no effort to support. 

 -”Wa of Japanese Knives” and rapid progress of “Wa of Japanese Knives” 


Japanese knife craftsmen of Takefu, Japan